Montego Bay Airport Transportation

Jamaica Airport MBJ NMIA

How Far is Royalton Negril from Airport

How Far is Royalton Negril From Airport Montego Bay.

Royalton Negril airport transfers

Question: How far is Royalton Negril From Airport Montego Bay MBJ ?

Answer: Royalton Negril is approximately 50Km from the Montego bay airport .

Question : How long does it take to travel from Montego bay Airport to Royalton Negril and Hideaway at Royalton Negril Hotel Jamaica?

Answer : with normal traffic it takes approximately 1 Hour 15 Minutes via road  to Travel to Royalton Negril Resorts from The Airport in Montego Bay Sangster International Airport . and aproxximatley 20 Mins via Local flights Booking

Question : How do i book private airport taxi to Negril ?

Answer: use the  web page  where you select your arrival information and book  simply and easy .



Royalton Negril Airport Taxi